اتصالات القهوة - باريستا
Earlier this year, we made a connection with a talented young barista from Berlin, Germany. A former German Barista Champion and now the current German ‘Coffee in Good Spirits’ Champion (CiGS), Nicole Battefeld was on the lookout for some coffee to show on the world stage in the CiGS World Championships. You’re a barista, a […]
اتصالات القهوة - المنافس
Tilly Sproule Tim Adams Specialty Coffee. At Project Origin, we love helping people connect with our coffee, especially when we’re able to link them with some of our closest producers. In this series of articles, we chat with roasters, competitors, producers, green bean buyers, exporters and baristas to find out what it takes to create […]
"أفضل ما في هندوراس: حصاد متأخر" 2019
وصل الكثير من مزاد 2019 'Best of Honduras: Late Harvest' إلى المحامص والمقاهي في جميع أنحاء العالم ، بعد برنامج ناجح شهد عددًا قياسيًا من المشاركات.
سارة جين - كأس برورز
تحدثنا إلى بطلة كأس North Region Brewers التي توجت مؤخرًا حول منافستها ودوافعها للمنافسة. شاركت سارة في مزاد `` Best of Honduras: Late Harvest '' لعام 2019 هذا العام ، حيث شاركت كقاضٍ في برنامج المزاد واستكشفت مناطق زراعة البن المختلفة في هندوراس معنا. أثناء الرحلة ، كان لدى سارة [...]
تخمير النجاح لمنافسي Project Origin
Congratulations to our amazing colleagues at Project Origin, Yanina Ferreyra and Cielo Betancur, for competing in the recent Australian Central Region Brewers Cup competition. Cielo competed for the first time in this competition and came away with a wealth of knowledge and confidence, while reigning Australian Brewers Cup champion Yanina achieved another fantastic result with […]
نحتاج أن نتحدث عن البرازيل ...
The 2019 Brazil harvest is ending; time to think about securing your supply of this critical blending component for the next 6-12 months. This is the moment when Brazilian beans are at their freshest, and when the best lots get bought up by bigger roasters, so it’s important for all of us to think Brazil […]
الإعلان عن الفائزين بـ "أفضل ما في هندوراس: الحصاد المتأخر" لعام 2019
The winners of the 2019 instalment of the ‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction have been announced. The top scoring coffees and their producers were awarded at a ceremony at IHCAFE in Santa Barbara, Honduras in front of a crowd of coffee producers, judges and IHCAFE staff. The auction program, which is conducted over several […]
تم اختيار القهوة لمزاد "أفضل ما في هندوراس: الحصاد المتأخر"
Judges in Honduras have selected the coffees that will be judged in the 2019 instalment of the Project Origin ‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction. This is the fourth year this auction will take place, having been launched in 2016 by Project Origin founder, Sasa Sestic and General Manager Habib Maarbani. Each coffee entered […]
اختيار قهوة المنافسة مع ماثيو لوين
With applications for the 2019 ‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction now open, we spoke to Australian Barista Champion Matthew Lewin about coffee, competitions and why he chose to use coffee from Honduras on the world’s biggest coffee stage. PO: Choosing coffee for barista competitions is often tricky. What kind of coffees did you try and […]
الإعلان عن المتأهلين لنهائيات كأس العالم للجعة
The finalists for the 2019 World Brewers Cup Championships were announced moments ago. The competition, which is currently being held in Boston, USA has participants from more than 30 countries around the world. Over the course of several days, competitors must undertake a pre-prepared Open Service routine and a Compulsory Service routine in which they […]