تقدم Sasa Sestic في Specialty Coffee Expo 2019

Several days ago, the line up of speakers for Specialty Coffee Expo 2019 was announced. Among these listed speakers is former World Barista Champion and Project Origin founder, Sasa Sestic. Given across three days, the series of lectures by various speakers will take place at the Specialty Coffee Expo in Boston, USA. Each presenter will […]

يانينا فيريرا تفوز ببطولة كأس البيرة الأسترالية!

Project Origin’s Yanina Ferreyra has taken out 1st place in the 2019 Australian Brewers Cup Championships. The results were announced this afternoon at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE), in front of a crowd of hundreds of coffee professionals and enthusiasts. For her performance Yanina used a coffee from Finca Deborah in Panama, the Jasper […]

تم تمثيل قهوة Project Origin في بطولة القهوة الأسترالية

Multiple competitors in the 2019 national coffee competitions will proceed to the finals using Project Origin-sourced coffees, as announced this afternoon at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE). Of the six competitors proceeding to the final stages of the Australian Barista Championships, five will be using Project Origin coffees. These finalists, in no particular order, […]

قهوة سافاج ومستقبل قهوة بنما: جاميسون سافاج

Regarded as the producer of some of the best quality coffees in Panama and the world, Jamison Savage and his coffee farms are frequently heard and represented on the world stage at various competitions. With the farms Finca Deborah and Morgan Estate already part of his production, Jamison is beginning his next stage of coffee growing with […]

"التكنولوجيا والابتكار والقهوة": جون جوردون

The global production of coffee is falling every year, due to climate change and geopolitical factors. However, our demand for more coffee and higher quality coffee is ever-increasing. World Barista Championship finalist and founder of Gorilla Gear, John Gordon writes about innovations in technology and how the future of coffee may depend on them.   […]

نبذة عن القضاة: ثيفشران مودلي

The ‘Best of Honduras’ auction took place several days ago, with 20 coffees from small producers in Honduras going to a live auction and sold across the world. These coffees were selected by an International Jury made of up judges from around the world. We spoke to International Jury member, Theveshran Moodley about his experience […]

بدء مزاد "أفضل ما في هندوراس: الحصاد المتأخر"!

The Project Origin ‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction for 2018 has officially begun, with the arrival of the International Judges in Honduras yesterday.   Among those attending the auction are judges and coffee professionals from Korea, Japan, Romania, Australia, El Salvador and the United States of America. Over the coming days, the judges will cup, […]