World Coffee Market in 2025

Coffee Cherries at Santuario Sul coffee farm in Brazil

The price of coffee is going up. It’s helpful to understand why. Let’s touch the surface on what’s impacting the price, and then see what you can do about it to keep specialty coffee in your mugs.

Green coffee available on spot will run out. Is your roastery prepared?

Green coffee available on spot will run out. Is your roastery prepared?

The Australian coffee market faces rising wages, inflation, and high input costs, putting pressure on roasters to maintain supply. Some hesitate to contract green beans due to price hikes, but waiting can lead to shortages and higher spot prices. To avoid this, roasters should contract 4-5 months in advance, monitor blend costs, build strong relationships with importers, and understand harvest cycles.

What does ‘fresh harvest’ mean?

Green coffee beans in parchment

When you say you want ‘fresh harvest coffee’, how fresh are you talking? And how old are you willing to use? Whilst we all desire to work with fresh crop lots and revel in its vibrancy, are you aware that your access to ‘fresh crop’ may not be as ‘fresh’ as you think, making it […]

International Coffee Day 2023

Hands holding ripe coffee cherries at Santuario Sul in Brazil

You already know – workplace health and safety is important! It is important in every occupation, in every location. Everyone has a right to a safe and healthy working environment, including in the coffee supply chain… including workers, farmers, producers and pickers at a coffee farm. (Surprise, surprise – we’re here to advocate for the […]

Creating Coffee Blends

As coffee lovers we have all had that wow experience where the flavour, the aroma and the texture of a coffee seduced our senses. Hopefully we have had that experience many times.
A big part of achieving this wow factor in blended coffees comes down to the roasters’ choice of beans and understanding the different characteristics of origins as well as processing.

Prepayment Plans at Origin

Coffee varietal Hybrido de Timor cherries ripe on tree Timor-Leste

Project Origin, in 2023, is implementing prepayment plans for the farmers who pick cherries for the Thageini Washing Station in Kenya. Over the upcoming years, we will see the differences the advanced payments can make to the community, and we will report back with the results. Here is everything to know about prepayment plans. What […]

Ageing Green Beans

Ordering coffee to last a year’s worth of roasting It is important to know your harvesting calendar. Most origins will harvest their cherries only once per year. This means that you have one opportunity every twelve months to secure lots from that origin, and those lots will last you until they undertake the next harvest. […]


Coffee varietal Hybrido de Timor cherries ripe on tree Timor-Leste

东帝汶的精品咖啡行业正在与咖啡生产合作伙伴 Orijem Timor 合作,将东帝汶的农民与全球市场联系起来,我们为参与其中感到无比自豪。与我们的合作伙伴一起,我们正在努力以可持续和进步的方式分享和种植来自美丽的东帝汶的特色咖啡 […]


直接贸易。我们已经知道存在一个术语,但作为消费者,我们可能无法完全理解它。直接贸易的目的是为整个供应链长度提供支持。通过直接从种植和种植咖啡的生产者那里购买,烘焙师可以分享更好的 […]