Regional Ayarza

The defining feature of this beautiful area is Laguna de Ayarza, a lake formed by the crater of an extinct volcano. The local area has a rich volcanic soil that is beneficial for coffee producers. With the help of our on-the-ground partners we are able to provide this superb Guatemalan blend of washed coffees from multiple local producers, and deliver a consistent cup profile perfect for lovers of chocolate and citrus driven coffees.



Washed coffee drying on patios used for processing coffee Ayarza Regional blend


Various small producers


Caturra & Catuai


1370 m


Dec - Apr

Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Fermentation tanks processing coffee for Ayarza Regional blend Guatemala

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now