
Across the rugged Eastern and Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea lay many small coffee farms, providing a significant proportion of income not just for these regions, but for the whole country. The industry in PNG features mostly smallholders with only a handful of larger estates and plantations. High altitudes and equatorial climates produce excellent specialty coffee growing potential, although transportation from farm to mill to port continues to be a challenge due to limited road infrastructure and remote farming communities in these mountainous areas. Most PNG coffee is processed with the washed method, although we are starting to see both honey and natural processes as well.


巴布亚新几内亚每年有两个收获期。初采期为 1 月至 2 月,主要收获期为 5 月至 9 月。咖啡通常会在收获开始后约 3-4 个月从每个产地发货。

Farms, coffees and producers from Papua New Guinea​​


