
Bridazul does amazing work to empower farmers and producers in the Nueva Segovia Department of Nicaragua, and we are proud to be partnered with such caring people. Founders Claudia and Tim happen to connect all our values together: economic sustainability for the producer and their farm, improving the quality of the environment, increasing quality of coffee cherries and green beans, and connecting people together. It was only a matter of time before we could join forces and collaborate on this incredible journey together.



The beautiful view from Finca El Arbol of mountain tops in Dipilto Nueva Segovia region of Nicaragua


Claudia Lovo & Tim Willems




1200 - 1500 m


Jan - Mar

CM Selections label coffees are all coffees processed using the carbonic maceration techniques. They are categorised into five gemstone profiles: Diamond, Indigo, Jasper, Amber and Opal.
House at El Arbol for Bridazul in Nicaragua
Finca El Árbol means 'the tree' that shades the rows of specialty coffee plants

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now