‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction begins!

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The Project Origin ‘Best of Honduras: Late Harvest’ auction for 2018 has officially begun, with the arrival of the International Judges in Honduras yesterday.


Among those attending the auction are judges and coffee professionals from Korea, Japan, Romania, Australia, El Salvador and the United States of America.

Over the coming days, the judges will cup, score and discuss more than 35 coffees from Honduras, which have already undergone a screening process by a National Jury last month.

Once these coffees have been tasted and scored, the scores are averaged and a ‘Top 20’ group of finalists is produced. These coffees will then be released to a live, online auction via the Cropster Hub.

The auction event is being held in conjunction with IHCAFE, Finca La Huerta, San Vincente and Cafe Raga.

Miguel Candel is a barista from Four Monkeys Coffee Roasters, in El Salvador. An attendee and shadow judge of the Project Origin ‘Best of El Salvador’ auction event in 2017, Miguel says he is excited to experience another auction program in a different country.

“I decided to go to [the] auction in 2017 because I felt a commitment as Salvadorean to help cup the best coffees of my country and contribute to direct trade for small producers,” he said.

“…I’m pretty familiar identifying the common varieties of coffee in my country, but I needed to get out of my comfort zone and get to experience and cup in another producer country.”

Miguel says that events like the Late Harvest auction are enabling smaller producers and connecting them with buyers.

” Events like the auction  are essential since they give an opportunity to small producers to show case their coffee and get fair price for their efforts,” he said.

“The result is that the gap between the smallest and bigger players is reduced.”

The success of the 2016 and 2017 auctions has seen producers earning up to ten times the average price per pound they would normally receive for their coffees.

The auction goes live at 0800 local time CST(-1) on Saturday July 28, equivalent to 1200am AEST the morning of Sunday July 29.


Visit the auction page 




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