Divisadero Coffee

A relationship older than Project Origin itself, Saša met Mauricio in 2011 and began sourcing from him in 2012. Together they created Supersonic naturals which continue to grow in popularity. Mauricio is very conscious of how he cares for the environment and his farms, maximising use of rain water and also drying the skin of pulped coffee cherries to produce delicious cascara.

El Salvador

Alpaneca-Ataco, Ahuacapan

Coffee trees planted at Divisadero Coffees by producer Mauricio Salaverria in El Salvador


Mauricio Salaverría


Bourbon, Pacas, Yellow Icatu


1500 - 1600 m


Oct - Jan

Mauricio Salaverria producer at Divisadero collected coffee cherries to produce cascara tea

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now