El Aguacate

Producer Pablo Euguiguren worked for several coffee companies before getting involved in the El Aguacate coffee farm in 2018. The farm is owned by Pablo’s grandparents, Gonzalo and Susana who have been married for over 65 years and decided in their old age to plant coffee trees on their farm in 2010. They have dedicated much love to their trees and it wasn’t long before their farm gained prestige through the community and became a popular tourist attraction due to its beauty. The coffee here is organic and unique, and any by-product from producing coffee is returned to the earth to complete the cycle of sustainability.



White coffee flowers blossomed looking up tot he sun and blue sky

Download farm info file + lot processing details


Pablo Euguiguren


Sidra, Catuai, Typica, Bourbon, Geisha


2100 m


May - Sep

Specialty arabica green coffee cherries growing on tree in Ecuador

Gallery of photos of El Aguacate

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now