El Puente

Our partners at Clearpath Coffee are working hard to make changes for the better. In 2018, they established El Puente, a social impact project that aims to work on three main problems that small holder farmers and producers in Colombia face when processing specialty grade coffee: a lack of post harvesting infrastructure, lack of financial resources, and the risk in experimenting with new processing methods that are demanded by the specialty industry. El Puente looks to solve these problems for 240 families of coffee producers by taking on the risks of selling processed coffees to the right clients. Project Origin are excited to do our part too and share the extraordinary community work of Clearpath Coffee and El Puente.


Palestina, Pitalito, San Adolfo

Aerial view of El Puente farm and processing facilities for specialty coffee beans in Colombia


Clearpath Coffee


Caturra, Castillo, Colombia


1500 - 1800 m


Apr - Jun & Sep - Dec

Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Coffee farmers raking land for growing specialty coffee at El Puente Colombia
Producers standing in drying tents at coffee collective El Puente in Colombia

Gallery of photos of El Puente

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now