La Papaya

After spending a few years as an apprentice with his neighbour, Juan Peña, producer Abel Salinas turned his planted coffee trees on his own farm into award winning coffees, placing 1st in the 2019 Best of Loja Auction. Abel uses scientific instruments to tell when his cherries are ripe for picking and has learnt the skills to get the fermentation process just right, to produce exceptionally high quality specialty green coffee beans.


Comunidad La Papaya, Loja

Misty mountains with waterfall view from coffee farm La Papaya in Ecuador

Download farm info file + lot processing details


Abel Salinas




2000 m


May - Sep

Coffee producer and farmer presenting harvested coffee cherries in blue basket at specialty farm in Ecuador Finca La Papaya
Coffee farmer presenting red and purple coffee cherries freshly harvested and picked

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now