
Nicaragua has had incredible challenges in recent history, from political revolution and war to natural disasters and wild fluctuations in global coffee pricing. And yet the spirit of hope and perseverance shines brightly from the Nicaraguan people. Project Origin sees this in every harvest and every interaction with our partner producers; they are always striving to improve and progress. We have been importing Nicaraguan coffee since 2016 with help from our local partner, Claudia Lovo, a co-founder of Bridazul and producer at Finca El Árbol. Through Bridazul Project Origin can work with coffee farms and producers by assisting in improving agricultural techniques, managing processing and quality control, and understanding global markets to give producers the best opportunity to directly trade their green beans and showcase the incredible potential of Nicaraguan specialty coffee.

Sourcing Updates March 2024


Nicaragua has one main harvesting period from October to February. Coffees will typically ship from each origin about 3-4 months after the harvest begins.​

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now