Regional Picaflor

Project Origin sources our Regional Picaflor coffee from selected producers in Dipilto from which we also buy single farm lots and microlots. Our Regional program supports these producers by buying their 83-85 point scoring coffees on the specialty market at premium prices rather than the producers having to sell to the local market for a commodity price. Picaflor translates to ‘hummingbird’ and is a blend of caturra and catuai varieties processed in the traditional washed methods, creating a low-acidity, high sweetness, full bodied cup profile.


Dipilto, Nueva Segovia

Ripe coffee cherries on a tree in Nicaragua


Various small producers


Caturra & Catuai


1100 - 1600 m


Jan - Mar

Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.
Regional coffees are a collection of green beans that represent a coffee growing area and provide a reliable offering each season that's popular for blends. This label utilises harvested coffee beans from small-holder farmers that do not become a micro-lot offering.

Gallery of photos of Regional Picaflor

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now