Clara Luz

Finca Clara Luz is located in the Huancocolla Valley, around ancient settlements of indigenous tribes. The surrounding area belongs to the Natural Reserve of Parque Nacional Yacuri, preserving the wonders of the natural forests and fauna that thrive in the mountains. The coffee farm Clara Luz was established around the turn of the 20th century and the Gonazlez Jimenez family took over from 1935, growing and cultivating such unique cherries for the specialty coffee industry. While the Gonzalez family listen to the requests of their buyers, they prefer to utilise with natural and honey processing methods on their farm, as they feel these methods best showcase the terroir of their region and their country.


Quilanga, Loja

Coffee cherries on a tree at Clara Luz Ecuador


Servio Gonzalez


Sidra & Geisha


1650 - 1720 m


May - Sep

Drying honey processed coffee beans on raised drying beds at Clara Luz Ecuador
Flowering coffee trees in the forest at Clara Luz Ecuador

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now