
Our Orijem Timor partners in Timor-Leste, Kape Diem, have been working with members of the Centro Treinamento e Recursos Aileu (CTRA) in partnership with Quinta Portugal to build up their agricultural skills as well as improve quality of life for the community. The CTRA translates to ‘Training and Resources Centre of Aileu’ and the members of this group receive training and support in their agriculture and horticultural practices, in literacy, and support in community events including arts and craft fairs and cultural festivals. The support network that focuses not only on coffee agriculture but on economic balance and community involvement too is something that we are proud to see and support, and showcase this work through coffee.

تيمور ليشتي


Tending to drying coffee beans washed and natural on raised drying beds under full sun in Aileu Timor-Leste


أوريجيم تيمور


هيبريدو دي تيمور


1000 - 1100 m


May - Jun

Coffee tree seedlings growing under shade in Aileu Timor-Leste as part of our Orijem Timor program to improve coffee quality and accessibility
Rows of raised drying beds for processing coffee beans in Aileu Timor-Leste

قائمة المنتجات

قائمة كاملة بأنواع حبوب البن الخضراء المتاحة للطلب الآن