Finca Las Botijas

Producer Abel Giron named his farm Las Botijas because of the legend that the town had hidden treasure. Abel’s story is truly one for tales. He planted his first trees in 2011 and up until 2015 his pacamara coffees were average due to poor drying techniques. With the help of a local contact, Rony Ariel Gamez, they worked to dry out Abel’s coffees properly – and the results are seen in the 1st place trophy he won for the 2016 Honduras Late Harvest Auction. Project Origin have worked with Abel since, further refining his already naturally extraordinary coffees, and sharing them with the world.



Coffee trees growing at Finca Las Botijas coffee farm entrance sign
Ripe Pacamara coffee cherries growing at Las Botijas
Producers and farmers inspecting coffee beans drying on rasied beds at Las Botijas

Product List

A full list of what green bean coffees are available for order now